Please note** We no longer offer Samples of Faus, Liberty Floors, Krono or Falquon Flooring Products
*Christmas and New Year Operating Times and Last Delivery Date*
Our last delivery date will be Wednesday 22nd December. Our offices are closed over the Christmas period, from Thursday 23rd December 2021 until Tuesday 4th January 2022. Any orders placed during this time, will be processed once we resume normal working hours from the 4th January.
Ongoing Delays (15/09/21)
We are experiencing ongoing delays in some areas of the UK. This is due to the volume of deliveries and a national driver shortage. We will endeavour to advise you if your postcode is affected and we will continue to do everything possible, to deliver your order to you as quickly as we can. Thank you for your continued patience and for bearing with us and we are hoping to resume our normal service as soon as possible.
Possible Delivery Delays (21/06/21)
Due to the unprecedented increase in the volume of deliveries going through the courier network in the UK at present, there may be some delays with your order. We will endeavour to advise you, where we can, of these delays, and we thank you in advance for your patience. We are doing everything we can to ensure that your order arrives with you safely and on time.
Covid-19 Update (25/03/2021)
No disruption. We are operating with full staffing levels.